Thursday, July 15, 2010

RS Activity: Scripture Study

We had a wonderful activity on Tuesday night with our sisters on how to enhance our scripture study. We shared some great discussions and methods for making our scripture study more convenient and more meaningful. Sister Egbert presented on the ways we can use traditional methods to enhance our scripture study, and Sister Hansen followed up with how to include the technological resources as well. We had a lot of fun meeting together as sisters and learning about this important topic.

If you missed our activity or want a reminder about the things we discussed Sister Egbert's presentation is posted in our last blog post, and Sister Hansen's is posted on her personal website. Hopefully we'll see you at our activity next month.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I'm a member from Texas and was wondering how yall were able to start your RS blog. I mentioned all of the ones I found online, and they told me the stake would not allow a ward rs blog. Is it a stake thing? Thanks.
